Poulet Tikka MassalaIngrédients pour 4 personnes
![]() Préparation Mélanger le yaourt brassé avec la moitié de toutes les épices et le concentré de tomates, et enrober le poulet dedans. Dans une cocotte en fonte (ou sauteuse), faire dorer l'oignon émincé pendant 10 min puis ajouter l'ail et le gingembre, ainsi que le poulet et sa marinade. Laisser dorer 15 minutes tout en remuant puis ajouter les cacahuètes concassées. Ajouter les tomates hachées (ou la boîte de tomates concassées) avec 1 petit verre d'eau et le reste des épices et laisser mijoter à feu doux, à couvert pendant environ 20 min (ou plus si vos morceaux de poulet sont plus gros). Après 20 minutes de cuisson, ajouter le 2ème yaourt qui va lier la sauce, une poignée de coriandre fraîche et un filet de citron vert, et servir accompagné d'un riz Basmati ![]() PRÉPARATION
IngrédientsMarinade sèche
PréparationMarinade sèche
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Butter Chicken![]() SERVES3-4 INGREDIENTSFor the chicken
For the sauce
METHODFirst prepare the tandoori chicken. Place the ginger, garlic and green chilli in a wet grinder and blend to a smooth paste. Mix the yogurt with the gram flour in a bowl to get rid of any lumps, until you have a thick paste. Add the ginger, garlic and chilli paste, the paprika, chilli powder, garam masala and coriander powder. Also mix in the ground cinnamon, saffron and salt. Stir well and tip in the chicken pieces and mix well, making sure to coat them in the thick marinade. Leave to marinate for a few hours or even overnight if you prefer. Soak wooden skewers in water. Preheat the grill to medium. Shake off the excess marinade and thread the chicken pieces onto the skewers and place them on a wire rack. Cook under the grill for 15-20 minutes. Turn the skewers every 5 minutes and baste with melted butter until the chicken juices run clear and the pieces are cooked through and slightly charred around the edges. To prepare the sauce, place a deep saucepan over a low heat and add the butter. When hot, add cardamom pods, cinnamon and cloves. Fry for 20 seconds, then add the onions and sauté for 5-7 minutes over a medium heat until they take on a light brown colour. Add the grated ginger and birds eye chillies. Fry for a further minute, add the chilli powder and garam masala, stir for 20 seconds and add the tomato puree. Mix well and cook for a couple of minutes. Now gradually add the double cream, stirring continuously to mix it with all the spices. Simmer and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the honey and the fenugreek. Season to taste. Add the water as well. Add the cooked chicken pieces and simmer the curry on a low heat for 6-8 minutes. Garnish with coriander and serve with naan bread. The only 10 curry recipes you'll ever need Recipe from Indian Kitchen (Hodder & Stoughton, £20), available from Telegraph Books ![]() ![]() Poulet Yassa![]() PRÉPARATION