TINCTURE = teinture WHIMPER = n gémissement m → David's crying subsided to a whimper to give a whimper pousser un gémissement → The little boy gave a whimper. without a whimper(=without complaining) sans rechigner → They paid up without a whimper. vi [person, dog] gémir to whimper in pain gémir de douleur → She lay on the stairs, whimpering in pain. ESCROW n. dépôt fiduciaire escrow account n.compte bloqué in escrow = sous séquestre / en dépôt OBLIVIOUS = oblivious to sth = oublieux de qch They stood motionless, oblivious to everything but their own thoughts = Ils se tenaient immobiles, oublieux de tout sauf de leurs propres pensées. →to be oblivious to sth ne pas être conscient de qch →People are totally oblivious to who I am. = Les gens ne sont absolument pas conscients de qui je suis. →to be oblivious of sth = ne pas être conscient de qch BEHEST = ordre
At the behest of conj.
à la diligence de ; à la dem ...
at the behest of sb exp. =sur l'ordre de qn
at sb's behest exp. = sur l'ordre de qn AWOL = absent without leave adj (MILITARY) en absence irrégulière to be AWOL = être en absence irrégulière to go AWOL =(MILITARY)= être en absence irrégulière humorous (=disappear)[person] disparaître de la circulation → His real father had gone AWOL about 17 years earlier → Kenneth contacted Stagecoach to complain , but was told the driver had gone AWOL after the incident last Monday LUG = trainer/trimballer luggage SCOLD = vt sermonner → Mother scolded me this morning for being rude to you gronder ; réprimander ; sermonner ; gourmander COO = vi roucouler ENDOWMENT (=money) dotation [+talent, quality] → to have an endowment of sth = être doté (e) de qch → She had, moreover, a reasonable endowment of intelligence COAX exhorter cajoler
to coax sb into doing sth amadouer qn pour qu'il fasse qch COG = dent d'engrenage / être un rouage de la machine EMBEZZLE = vt/money/détourner
One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds HEATHEN = païen(ne) SOLACE v. consoler
n. réconfort ; consolation → to take solace from v. se consoler grâce à THROBBING = palpitation/ pulsatif SQUAWKING = squawk ,cri rauque ,piailler, caqueter RUT = (in ground) = ornière f ZOOLOGY = rut (=boring routine) routine → to be in a rut = suivre l'ornière, s'encroûter EGREGIOUSLY = considérablement / de façon flagrante → The tax code is egregiously complicated → Le code fiscal est tout simplement exagérément compliqué. MEAD = hydromel ( pré ) TARP = (mainly US) bâche/toile goudronnée KALE = chou frisé SNORT = grognement She gave a snort of disgust/person/grogner →My sister snorted with laughter.[horse] renâcler /[pig] grogner [+drugs] sniffer SLANDER = diffamer diffamation . FAWN (=young deer) faon m (=colour) beige m foncé adj - fawn-coloured fauve, beige foncé → Tania was wearing a light fawn coat ATONE = to atone for sth expier qch, racheter qch BEHEST = ordre At the behest of conj. à la diligence de ; à la dem ... at the behest of sb exp. =sur l'ordre de qn at sb's behest exp. = sur l'ordre de qn LINGERING = adj [hope, doubt, feeling] persistant (e) → lingering doubts remained NOOSE = noeud ; noeud coulant PANTRY (=cupboard) garde-manger m inv (=room) office COVET = vt (=envy) convoiter FORSAKE ( forsook pt) (forsaken pp) vt abandonner GIDDY adj (=dizzy) to be giddy /to feel giddy = avoir la tête qui tourne → He had a headache and felt giddy. to feel giddy with excitement ne plus tenir en place → She was giddy with excitement as she waited for his train to arrive.[height]vertigineux (-euse) (=thoughtless) étourdi (e) SHENANIGEN = manigances/magouille/tour RUT (in ground) ornière f (ZOOLOGY) rut (=boring routine) routine to be in a rut = suivre l'ornière, s'encroûter LICORICE = réglisse BRAZEN = sans gêne ; de cuivre brazen face = n. effronté To brazen it out =la jouer au culot SULK vi bouder → She had sulked all weekend. n bouderie f → She must be tired of my sulks to be in a sulk bouder sulking pr. boudant tirer la gueule= to be sulking Sulk bouderie sulk vt. = bouder to be in a sulk =bouder FURNACE =n fourneau HOOT = vi [driver] klaxonner/huer/hululer/mugir ABIDE = vt (=stand) [+person, behaviour] souffrir, supporter I can't abide it je ne peux pas le supporter → She cannot abide the thought of him being tortured. → Did your parents argue much? the counsellor asked. Never. Hardly ever. Dad couldn't abide it ... he was a very calm man. I cant abide him = je ne peux pas le supporter, je ne peux pas le souffrir → while he was fond of his sister, he could not abide his brother-in-law. → I can't abide people who can't make up their minds. can't abide doing sth, I can't abide living here. Je ne supporte pas de vivre ici. → she can't abide seeing older people consigned to the fringes of the medical system ABIDE BY vt fus (=respect) [+rules, law, decision, terms] respecter → They must abide by the rules. → They agreed to abide by the terms of the contract. → Contestants must abide by the judge's decision. → Their government has confirmed that it will abide by the United Nations resolution MOLD = mouldy = moisi
growing / become moldy =v. chancir DOE = biche (lapine hase ) WRY = amused and annoyed désabusé(e) = ironic FRAY = to enter the fray, to join the fray[competitor] entrer en lice Jump into the fray, enter the fray descendre dans l'arène, enter the fray vt. entrer en lice ; se jeter dans → ... a second round of voting when new candidates can enter the fray → Diesel has also entered the fray, with novelty packaging → Last year Asda joined the fray with a travel insurance policy the political fray = la mêlée politique → You must place yourself beyond parties and above the political fray vt [+material] effilocher vi [fabric, cuff, stitching] s'effilocher → The cotton had begun to fray at the edges CVA = AVC = cerebrovascular accident PRY = s'immiscer / Ela might think she was prying. I don't mean to pry, but = Je ne voudrais pas m'immiscer, mais BEACON = ( lighthouse )fanal m → to be a beacon of hope(=encouraging) = être porteur d'espoir Our Parliament has been a beacon of hope to the peoples = balise f radio beacon / radiophare MIRE empêtrer embourber patauger
→ Fange / bourbier = the mire (=serious difficulties) They have struggled out of the mire.Ils se sont sortis du bourbier. to be in the mire = être dans le bourbier → The Transport Secretary is in the mire again to sink into the mire (=get into difficulties) s'embourber → his rivals gradually sank into the mire to be deep in the mire être embourbé dans la crise a company deep in the mire une compagnie profondément embourbée dans la crise RODENT = n rongeur HINDRANCE = Obstacle → Her new ideas may be more of a hindrance than an asset. → Being the daughter of a famous film star can be more of a hindrance than a help in getting your career off the ground. SCOLD vt sermonner → Mother scolded me this morning for being rude to you gronder ; réprimander ; sermonner ; gourmander WIMP = froussard mauviette FOE = ennemi ; adversaire WITHER = [flower] faner [plant, crops] sécher sur pied → farmers in the Midwest have watched their crops wither because of drought conditions (=become weak [person,industry] dépérir[industry] péricliter ? The question now is whether the railways will flourish or wither. [hopes] s'évanouir ABYSMAL = adj (= appalling) consternant (e) PLUME = a plume of smoke = une colonne de fumée →(=feather) [+bird] plume /the plumes of the helmet = le plumet du casque PIT = hole in the ground / trou m , fosse AVENGE vt [+death] venger → He was determined to avenge his father's death Avengement ARSON = incendie criminel GALLSTONE =calcul biliaire He had surgery for gallstones HEED = vt = take notice of [+advice, warning] tenir compte de → Few at the conference in London last week heeded his warning. to pay heed to sb/sth = tenir compte de qn/qch → He pays too much heed these days to his nephew Tom. to take no heed ne pas faire attention → But what if the government takes no heed? MOO = for cleaning balai à laver [+hair, curls] tignasse f → He was long-limbed and dark-eyed, with a mop of tight, dark curls. mop of hair tignasse f → ... a coarse mop of black hair. vt (=wash) [+floor] éponger → I've spent all morning mopping the floors. → There was a woman mopping the stairs. [+brow] s'éponger → The Inspector took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow. mop up = vt sep [+liquid] éponger → A waiter mopped up the mess (=deal with) nettoyer They mopped up remaining pockets of resistance. Ils ont nettoyé les dernières poches de résistance. → These reactive molecules are mopped up and made harmless by Vitamin E. LOCUST n locuste f , sauterelle f BEREAVEMENT = ( = loss of loved one) perte f (d'un proche) , deuil →Il y a eu un deuil dans la famille. There's been a bereavement in the family → There's been a death in the family. fermé pour cause de deuil closed due to bereavement → porter le deuil to wear mourning → prendre le deuil to go into mourning → être en deuil to be in mourning → MOURNING (=période)porter le deuil = to wear mourning prendre le deuil = to go into mourning être en deuil to be in mourning →GRIEF = chagrin SQUAWKING = squawk ,cri rauque ,piailler, caqueter CINCH = jeu d'enfant /sangle /du gateau → To cinch up a horse = sangler FIEND = démon /such a saint to his patients and such a fiend to his children DAWDLE = vi traîner, lambiner flâner / to dawdle over doing sth=traîner pour faire qch TINCTURE = teinture KEG = powder keg baril/fût/tonnelet de poudre SKULL DUGGERY = unscrupulous /trickery SWIRL=movement [+water,smoke] tourbillon the slow swirl of the stream [+cream] volutes fpl vi[water, smoke, mist] tourbillonner [skirt] tourbillonner vt [+wine, water] faire tourner HARNESS = n [+horse] harnais m - safety harness harnais m → High chairs should have a harness to stop the child from slipping under and standing up. Adjust the harness every time you travel to allow for varying thicknesses of your child's clothing. Make sure your child is held tight by the seat's own harness. [+resources, power, potential] exploiter → Techniques harnessing the energy of the sun are being developed. One problem with harnessing solar energy is that it is not constant. [+emotions, skills, talents] exploiter ? the movement's ability to harness the anger of all Ukrainians Newcastle were never able to harness the talents of Alan Shearer in attack. [+animal] atteler →a dog harnessed to a sledge SPITE = n (=malice) mechancete f out of spite par mechancete → He wrote that review out of pure spite. in spite of (prep) malgré, en dépit de → In spite of poor health, my father was always cheerful. vt contrarier → They are being provocative and controversial just to spite us. He just did it to spite me. C'est juste pour me contrarier qu'il a fait ça. HENGE = mégalithe LINGER vi [person] s'attarder Davis lingered for a moment in the bar. Davis s'attarda un moment au bar. to linger over a cup of coffee = se prélasser en buvant une tasse de café → Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight. → [smell, tradition] persister = The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room. → [feeling] persister = The resentments and the longings lingered. WANE =[moon] décroître The moon was waning. Diminuer [reputation, interest] décliner DIN n vacarme m →They couldn't sleep because of the din. → the din of the crowd vt to din sth into sb enfoncer q km moi ch dans la tête/caboche de qn KILN = four / Lime kiln n. four à chaux SLUICE = n écluse f / vt to sluice down, to sluice out / laver à grande eau → We sluiced out the trough STALWART = n fidèle partisan(e) m/f stalwart = adj. vigoureux / fidèle SPATE = (series) vague → a spate of = une vague de [+attacks,scandals] → to be in spate[river]être en crue QUITOXIC =adj chimérique ; donquichottesque ; vain ; généreux → He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour SWIRL = movement [+water,smoke] tourbillon the slow swirl of the stream [+cream] volutes fpl vi[water, smoke, mist] tourbillonner [skirt] tourbillonner vt [+wine, water] faire tourner HARNESS n [+horse] harnais m - safety harness harnais m → High chairs should have a harness to stop the child from slipping under or standing up. → Adjust the harness every time you travel to allow for varying thicknesses of your child's clothing. → Make sure your child is held tight by the seat's own harness. = [+resources, power, potential] exploiter → Techniques harnessing the energy of the sun are being developed. → One problem with harnessing solar energy is that it is not constant. [+emotions, skills, talents] exploiter ? the movement's ability to harness the anger of all Ukrainians → Newcastle were never able to harness the talents of Alan Shearer in attack. [+animal] atteler → a dog harnessed to a sledge COAX exhorter cajoler → to coax sb into doing sth = amadouer qn pour qu'il fasse qch ARSON = incendie criminel SLAYER = tueur Slay /slew/ slain LARCH = mélèze BERATE = rebuke = réprimander to berate sb for sth = réprimander qn pour qch WALLOW vi (in mud) = se vautrer → ... creatures who wallowed like hippopotami in mud. to wallow in misery, to wallow in one's grief se complaire dans son malheur → At first I only wanted to wallow in my misery. Wallow = Bauge SLAYER = tueur Slay /slew/ slain WILY = (prononcer whyly) adj rusé (e) / astucieux CHORE = boring task = corvée DIN n vacarme m
→ They couldn't sleep because of the din. → the din of the crowd vt to din sth into sb enfoncer q km moi ch dans la tête/caboche de qn BELLEND = gland dick dickhead asshole shithead motherfucker wanker arsehole fuckhead bitch WILY (prononcer whyly) adj rusé (e) / astucieux AMID = au milieu de ; parmi / amid fears = par peur, par crainte TODDLER =enfant , bambin Toddle = vi [child] faire ses premiers pas WOO = vt = [+woman] faire la cour à , courtiser URCHIN = sea urchin =oursin /Street urchin =gosse de la rue EMBER = braise /fan the embers = attiser les braises FURLOUGH = (US) = [+worker] congé / [+soldier] permission SIFT vt [+flour, icing sugar, sand] tamiser → Always sift icing sugar through a fine sieve. [+evidence] passer au crible sift through vt fus [+evidence, data = passer au crible Sifting pr. part tamisant (vt.) sifting n. tri / sifting n. tamisage sifting pr. part triant DISCREPENCY = between versions, opinions = divergence ERRANDS = courses WANE = vi [moon] decroitre
→ The moon was waning. → [reputation, interest] decliner → His interest in these sports began to wane. to be on the wane = etre sur le declin → The influence of the Communist Party was clearly on the wane PERUSE = read consulter
→ We perused the company's financial statements for the past five years ...
→ She found the information while she was perusing a copy of Life magazine TROUGH = n drinking trough abreuvoir m → The old stone cattle trough still sits by the main entrance. = feeding trough = auge f =low area between waves= creux =low point(in trade, business, consumption, evolution, career) =creux NEIGH = Hennir FIEND = démon /such a saint to his patients and such a fiend to his children DWELL =( dwelt pt, pp )vi demeurer → the forest and the Indians who dwell there → dwell on vt fus [+memory, idea] s'éterniser sur → I'd rather not dwell on the past. → Don't dwell on it RAVENOUS adj affamé (e)
to be ravenous avoir une faim de loup / I'm ravenous! J'ai une faim de loup! FUDGE = caramel mou / esquive TO STROLL = se promener TO STROLL = se promener MUZZLE = (= nose and mouth of animal) museau
→ Rex presented his muzzle for scratching. (protective device) muselière / to wear a muzzle [dog] porter une muselière → Pit bull terriers have to wear a muzzle. [+gun] gueule f vt [+dog] museler → All dogs are supposed to be muzzled in the streets. [+person, press]museler → He complained of being muzzled by the chairman ... → Besides, Roosevelt had pretty well muzzled the press. BERSEK [person, outburst] fou (folle) furieux (-euse) to go berserk (=become furious) devenir fou furieux She went berserk.Elle est devenue folle furieuse. (=go crazy) se déchaîne WAIN = chariot haywain chariot de foin ACUMEN n perspicacité f business acumen sens des affaires → political acumen = sens m de la politique → He is famed for his political acumen and will be a vital link with the Americans SLUICE = n écluse f / vt to sluice down, to sluice out / laver à grande eau → We sluiced out the trough THRUST = pushing action) [+sword, knife] coup = propulsive force) [+engine] poussée → The direction of thrust is controlled by computer. → The cabin shook with the thrust of the engine = poussée de propulsion → The pilot puts the engine into reverse thrust to quickly slow the plane down. = emphasis axe the main thrust of sth = l'axe principal de qch → The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe = push = pousser brusquement → to thrust sth in sth= fourrer qch dans qch / They thrust him into the jeep. He thrust his hands into his pockets. Il fourra ses mains dans ses poches. GOAD = aiguillonner/Charles was always goading me! →to goad sb into doing sth harceler qn jusqu'à ce qu'il fasse qch →She was being goaded into an argument by Tom BOULDER = gros rocher (généralement lisse, arrondi) Bouldering = escalade/varape /rock-climbing PLUME = a plume of smoke = une colonne de fumée
(=feather) [+bird] plume /the plumes of the helmet = le plumet du casque SULK = vi bouder → She had sulked all weekend. n bouderie f → She must be tired of my sulks to be in a sulk bouder sulking pr. boudant tirer la gueule= to be sulking STAND-OFFISH adj distant(e) , froid(e) , reserve CONUMDRUM = ( = puzzle) énigme
this theological conundrum of the existence of evil and suffering in a world created by a good God. SOOTH = apaiser Four powerful massage nodes relax and sooth your tight and overused muscles. STEALTH n célérité f → Wild animals demand secrecy and stealth from the photographer by stealth furtivement → They achieved their original dominance by stealth. Stealth bomber n bombardier m furtif stealth tax = impôt invisible, impôt m dissimulé INDULGE = vt (=spoil) [+person] gâter → It pleased me to indulge her. → He did not agree with indulging children. [+passion, whim] céder à, satisfaire → He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football. to indulge o.s. se faire plaisir → You can indulge yourself without spending a fortune. vi to indulge in sth [+treat, luxury] se permettre qch → Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine. [+pastime, passion] s'adonner à qch → enabling him to indulge in his favourite pastime of gambling CREED ( = religiousbelief) croyance (=principles) philosophie → no matter what race or creed OBNOXIOUS = Odieux , désagreable CILANTRO = Coriandre SHENANIGAN = manigances/magouille/tour MELLIFLUOUS = adj mélodieux DOGGEDNESS = n (resoluteness) obstination f → Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness HUMDRUM adj [existence, job] monotone, routinier (-ière)
Her lawyer husband, trapped in a humdrum but well-paid job HEX = sorcière / sort VAGARY = caprice VAGARY the vagaries of the weather = les caprices du temps SEVER vt = cut through [+limb, artery] sectionner [+pipe, wire] couper → A bulldozer had severed a gas main. [break off] [+relations] rompre to sever all ties with sb rompre tout lien avec qn She had severed all ties with her parents. Elle avait rompu tout lien avec ses parents POULTICE = cataplasme
poultice =mettre un cataplasme MEAD = hydromel ( pré ) IMPUGN =[+motives, integrity] contester BEMOAN = vt déplorer → She bemoaned her lack of qualifications. AWE =fear respect mêlé de crainte → he is also remembered with affection and awe by the many postgraduate translation students (=wonder) respect m mêlé d'admiration → Who can look on the bust of Tutankhamun and not be silenced in awe? to be in awe of sb/sth, to stand in awe of sb/sth = être en admiration devant qn/qch → She is in awe of his learning. to be awed by sth/sb être en admiration devant qn/qch → I am still awed by David's courage. → awe-inspiring , awesome adj apte à frapper les imaginations KNEAD=kneaded [+dough] pétrir malaxer / dégourdir knead oneself FURLOUGH (US) = [+worker] congé / [+soldier] permission FANG = [+dog, wolf] croc / [+snake] crochet DRONE vi [bee] bourdonner [engine] ronronner - drone on [person] parler d'une voix monocorde → I remember him droning on about how important it was to study literature. n (=noise) [+insect] bourdonnement m [+plane, traffic] ronronnement m → ... the steady drone of the traffic. (=male bee) faux-bourdon m → The queen is likely to mate with two or three drones FAWN = (=young deer) faon m (=colour) beige m foncé adj - fawn-coloured fauve, beige foncé Tania was wearing a light fawn coat COVENANT = n (=formal agreement) contrat m (=promise to give money) engagement m vt [+sum] to covenant £200 per year to a charity = s'engager à verser 200 livres par an à une œuvre de bienfaisance HUMDRUM adj [existence, job] monotone, routinier (-ière) →Her lawyer husband, trapped in a humdrum but well-paid job . GIDDY adj (=dizzy) to be giddy /to feel giddy = avoir la tête qui tourne He had a headache and felt giddy. to feel giddy with excitement ne plus tenir en place → She was giddy with excitement as she waited for his train to arrive. [height]vertigineux (-euse) / (=thoughtless) étourdi (e) POACHING = braconnage PONDER vi réfléchir → What are you thinking about? Oh, I'm just pondering. to ponder about sth = réfléchir à qch → He'd been sitting in his room, pondering about his future. (=think about) [+question, problem] considérer to ponder how se demander comment → I'm continually pondering how to improve the team. to ponder why = se demander pourquoi LULL = n accalmie f after a lull of several weeks après une accalmie de plusieurs semaines → After a lull of several weeks, there has been a resumption of bombing. the lull before the storm = le calme avant la tempête vt (=soothe) apaiser, calmer to be lulled by sth [+motion, music] = être bercé (e) par qch → you can simply sit back, lulled by the rhythmic motion of the boat to lull sb into a state of serenity procurer à qn une sensation de bien-être → The sound of my breathing lulled me into a state of serenity to lull sb to sleep = endormir qn → The steady hum of the engines lulled her to sleep. → Little by little the rocking of the ferry lulled them to sleep. (=mislead) = to be lulled into sth, It is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security. Il est facile de se laisser aller à croire que tout va bien. → The superficial health of the US economy today should not lull us into a false sense of security. I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter. Je m'étais laissé aller à croire que la publicité serait un détail sans importance. SCAPEGOAT = bouc émissaire RATCHET = cliquet /roue à cliquet = ratchet wheel / faire augmenter ASBESTOS = Amiante ALLOT vt (=share out) [+seats, places, space, money] répartir, distribuer → All seats are allotted in advance. [+time] répartir to allot sth to sb/sth [+time] allouer qch à qn/qch → We were allotted half an hour to speak. to allot sth to sb [+duties] assigner qch à qn [+money] allouer qch à qn → Some $2 million has been allotted as investment capital to the Northwest Territories Development Corporation. in the allotted time dans le temps imparti → They failed to complete the exam in the allotted time WUTHERING = Gemir KILN = four /Lime kiln n. four à chaux HOOF = sabot (CLOG = sabot / chaussure) CHUCK = throw , lancer, jeter → I feel like chucking the bottle through the windscreen. That night he decided to chuck his job. (finish with)(British) [+job] ; lâcher plaquer =He's fed up because his girlfriend's just chucked him. chuck in /chuck out [+person] flanquer dehors/ à la porte → We were chucked out of the meeting SLUMBER ==n sommeil m
→ She fell into a heavy slumber. slumber party n. soirée pyjama to have a slumber party inviter des amis (amies) à passer la nuit chez soi → I'm having a slumber party for my birthday slumber n. somnolence slumber =v. sommeiller slumber wear =n. tenues pour la nuit slumber away =v.dormir paisiblement RECOIL vi [person] reculer to recoil from sb/sth [+person, sight] reculer devant qn/qch → He tried to put his arm round her, but she recoiled from him. → He recoiled in horror from the savagery which he witnessed. to recoil from doing sth = répugner à faire qch gun reculer n [+gun] recul m LISP n zézaiement m to have a lisp, to speak with a lisp zézayer He has a slight lisp., He speaks with a slight lisp. = Il zézaie légèrement. vi zézayer → The little man, upset, was lisping badly SCOUNDREL = vaurien , canaille DOGGEDNESS n (resoluteness) obstination f → Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness BEHOLD = (beheld pt, pp)vt apercevoir, voir → She was a terrible sight to behold IMPUGN =[+motives, integrity] contester QUILT = Couette/ plaid / matelasser /capitonnage / Édredon SNEER = n ricanement /vi ricaner DISCREPANCY = between versions, opinions = divergence STINGY = radin / avare EMBER = braise /fan the embers = attiser les braises HATCHET MAN homme de main
hatchet, hatchet job, hatch
hatchet man tueur à gages
HATCH vi[chick, egg] éclore → She stays in the nest until the chicks hatch. → After ten days, the eggs hatch. → Escape hatch (in roof, floor) trappe f de secours SLEDGE = n luge f traîneau
sledge vi. = faire de la luge SKIRT n (=garment) jupe f → we shall be skirting the island on our way =go around= longer → we raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill → He was skirting the issue. Get to the point! I said. (=avoid) [+issue, problem] contourner divided skirt n jupe-culotte f mini-skirt , miniskirt minijupe skirt around , skirt round vt fus (=go around) contourner → She skirted round the rug so as not to get mud on it. (=avoid) [+issue, problem] contourner WALLOW vi (in mud) se vautrer → ... creatures who wallowed like hippopotami in mud. to wallow in misery, to wallow in one's grief se complaire dans son malheur → At first I only wanted to wallow in my misery. Wallow = Bauge FUSE = fuze (British) n [+plug] fusible m → Remove the fuse before beginning electrical work. → The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor. The fuse has blown. = Le fusible a sauté. to blow a fuse (fig) =[person] péter un fusible * to have a short fuse fig) = [person] se mettre en rogne facilement [+bomb] amorce f ,détonateur m → A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.vt ELECTRICITY, ELECTRONICS to fuse the lights = faire sauter les fusibles, faire sauter les plombs → She fused the lights. → Glass is made by fusing various types of sand. = [+substance, metal] mettre en fusion [+styles] = fusionner = → What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert → His music of that period fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms vi [metal] fondre → [bones] fusionner = The skull bones fuse between the ages of 15 and 25. to fuse with sth = fusionner avec qch → Conception occurs when a single sperm fuses with an egg → [lights] sauter = The lights have fused. (fig) (=come together) fusionner → the myths and foreign ancestry which fused in the Caribbean → Past and present fuse. →? fuse together vt [+bones] fusionner → I'm going to try an operation on your spinal cord to fuse the bones together vi [atoms, bones] fusionner → The hydrogen atoms fuse together fuse box n boîte f à fusibles fuse wire n fusible m UNCANNY = adj = étrange I have an uncanny ability to pick the wrong man. I had this uncanny feeling that I was seeing the future. étrange , troublant (e) SOLACE v. consoler n. réconfort ; consolation →to take solace from v. se consoler grâce à JINX = n (=curse) mauvais sort m , sort m → There's a jinx on it, mark my words. → to put a jinx on sth jeter un sort à qch to put a jinx on sb porter la poisse à qn (=person who brings bad luck) personne f qui porte la poisse → I am not a jinx MIRE = empêtrer embourber patauger Fange / bourbier = the mire (=serious difficulties) They have struggled out of the mire.Ils se sont sortis du bourbier. to be in the mire = être dans le bourbier → The Transport Secretary is in the mire again to sink into the mire (=get into difficulties) s'embourber → his rivals gradually sank into the mire to be deep in the mire être embourbé dans la crise a company deep in the mire une compagnie profondément embourbée dans la crise ALMS = n aumône f THRUST = pushing action) [+sword, knife] coup = propulsive force) [+engine] poussée f → The direction of thrust is controlled by computer. → The cabin shook with the thrust of the engine = poussée de propulsion → The pilot puts the engine into reverse thrust to quickly slow the plane down. = emphasis axe the main thrust of sth = l'axe principal de qch → The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe =push =pousser brusquement → to thrust sth in sth= fourrer qch dans qch/They thrust him into the jeep. He thrust his hands into his pockets. Il fourra ses mains dans ses poches. RELINQUISH abandonner vt [+power, claim] renoncer à → He does not intend to relinquish power. → He relinquished his claim to the throne POTHER = tapage / Why all this pother?
Pourquoi tout ce raffut ? BEGUILE vt (=enchant) captiver → The former France midfield player has beguiled audiences since his arrival from Paris to beguile sb into doing sth = enjôler qn pour qu'il fasse beguile = séduire (vt.) ; tromper (vt.) ; amener (+inf.) (vt.) HEED vt (=take notice of) [+advice, warning] tenir compte de → Few at the conference in London last week heeded his warning. n to pay heed to sb/sth tenir compte de qn/qch → He pays too much heed these days to his nephew Tom. to take no heed = ne pas faire attention → But what if the government takes no heed? RUEFULLY = adv [grin, look] d'un air contrit → He grinned at her ruefully. TO RUE = vt = se repentir to rue the day = literary se repentir to rue the day you did sth = se repentir d'avoir fait qch YOKEL = n (=bumpkin) péquenaud (e) m/f → yoke, yodel, yolk, yoke together yokel n. = péquenaud SCOURGE = fléau THRIVE = ( thrived, throve pt)( thrived, thriven pp vi (= grow well) [animal, plant] prospérer COO = vi roucouler TROUGH n drinking trough abreuvoir m → The old stone cattle trough still sits by the main entrance. feeding trough = auge f =low area between waves= creux =low point(in trade, business, consumption, evolution, career) =creux STOOP = n (=hunched shoulders) to have a stoop = être voûté (e) US) = [+house] perron m vi (=have a stoop) se voûter → Tall people often stoop in order to make themselves look shorter. (=bend) se baisser → He stooped and picked up his case. (=lower oneself) s'abaisser to stoop to sth s'abaisser à qch → The depths to which newspapers will stoop to get a story never fails to astound me. to stoop to doing sth s'abaisser à faire qch BERSEK = [person, outburst] fou (folle) furieux (-euse) to go berserk (=become furious) devenir fou furieux She went berserk.Elle est devenue folle furieuse. (=go crazy) se déchaîner APT = (=suitable)
[description, words] juste → an apt description of the situation → These words are as apt today as in 1929. → an apt quotation from Hamlet (=likely) to be apt to do sth être susceptible de faire qch, avoir tendance à faire qch → She was apt to wave her hands about. → This weather is apt to be more common in winter. → Healthy, happy babies are apt to grow faster. (=able) doué (e) , apte apt at doué (e) pour, apte à EMBEZZLE vt/money/détourner →One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds CERVIX = col de l'utérus CHATTEL = goods = biens meubles GROPE = vi to grope for sth
→ vt = to grope one's way through the darkness/avancer à tâtons dans l'obscurité = Peloter PRESTINE = excellent , prestigieux CREED = ( = religiousbelief) croyance → no matter what race or creed (=principles) philosophie DOORMAT = n (=mat) paillasson m → (=weak person) paillasson m , carpette f → to treat sb like a doormat (=without respect) traiter qn comme un chien → Ever since then you've treated me like a doormat. FORLORN = adj = lonely person abandonné/e,délaissé/e → One of the demonstrators, a young woman, sat forlorn on the pavement ... → He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes. (=abandoned) [place] abandonné (e) → They headed inland on a forlorn road that was rutted and pocked ... → The once glorious palaces stood empty and forlorn. [hope, attempt] vain (e) → ... the forlorn hope of finding a better life in cities → ... a forlorn attempt to patch up our differences DALLY = vi (=dawdle) musarder, flâner ; The children dallied in the lane. → to dally with sb (=flirt) badiner love avec qn → to dally with an idea = caresser une idée ; I'm dallying with the idea of giving up my job. dilly-dally vi = traînasser , lambiner 'Let us not dilly-dally,' barked President Fox SWADDLING = emmaillotement PRY = s'immiscer / Ela might think she was prying. I don't mean to pry, but ... Je ne voudrais pas m'immiscer, mais MAR = vt (=spoil) gâcher, gâter → A series of ugly incidents marred last Monday's protest. CVA = AVC = cerebrovascular accident CORDUROY = velours côtelé RAMBLE = n randonnée f → We were out on a country ramble. → an hour's ramble through the woods to go for a ramble faire une randonnée vi (=hike) faire de la randonnée → I was rambling over the hills of Yorkshire. → ... freedom to ramble across the moors. (=talk confusedly) radoter → He often rambled and said strange things. → sometimes she spoke sensibly, other times she rambled → ramble on vi (=talk at length) déblatérer → she only half-listened as Ella rambled on to ramble on about sth déblatérer sur qch → She began rambling on about her childhood. PERUSE =read consulter → We perused the company's financial statements for the past five years ... → She found the information while she was perusing a copy of Life magazine LINGERING = adj [hope, doubt, feeling] persistant (e) → lingering doubts remained FATHOM = brasse / mesure depth sonder, pénétrer , comprendre , piger WEAVER n = tisserand (e) m/f SHOVE = vt (=push) pousser → He dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street. to shove sb out of the way = écarter qn en le poussant He shoved me out of the way. Il m'a écarté en me poussant. → We'll shove an extra paragraph in here. → (=put) fourrer = He shoved a cloth in my hand. = Il m'a fourré un torchon dans la main. vi pousser → She shoved as hard as she could. Everyone was pushing and shoving. Tout le monde se bousculait. n poussée f to give sb/sth a shove pousser qn/qch → The car won't start. Can you give it a shove? if push comes to shove * au pire shove off vi (NAUTICAL, NAVAL) pousser au large (=go away) ficher le camp * → Shove off, I'm trying to read ENDEAVOUR = UK endeavor (US) (=attempt) tentative f → His first endeavours in the field were wedding films. (=effort) effort m → this exciting new field of endeavour → the benefits of investment in scientific endeavour human endeavour effort m humain → It is a marvel of engineering and human endeavour vi to endeavour to do sth tenter de faire qch, s'efforcer de faire qch → He endeavoured to adopt a positive attitude SNORT = grognement She gave a snort of disgust/person/grogner My sister snorted with laughter.[horse] renâcler /[pig] grogner [+drugs] sniffer PHILANDERER = Dom Juan BOULDER = gros rocher (généralement lisse, arrondi) → Bouldering = escalade/varape /rock-climbing QUILT= Couette/ plaid / matelasser /capitonnage / Édredon ALLOT = vt (=share out) [+seats, places, space, money] répartir, distribuer → All seats are allotted in advance. [+time] répartir → to allot sth to sb/sth [+time] allouer qch à qn/qch → We were allotted half an hour to speak. to allot sth to sb = [+duties] assigner qch à qn [+money] allouer qch à qn → Some $2 million has been allotted as investment capital to the Northwest Territories Development Corporation. in the allotted time dans le temps imparti → They failed to complete the exam in the allotted time RAVENOUS = adj affamé (e) to be ravenous avoir une faim de loup / I'm ravenous! J'ai une faim de loup! RIGMAROLE = n[+process] comédie → I don't imagine you want to go through all that rigmarole. → THE rigmarole forced on UK insurers by the EU Insurance Accounts Directive galimatiasn.twaddle ; rigmarole ; gibb [...] c'est toute une affaire/histoiore = it's a whole rigmarole NOOSE = noeud ; noeud coulant TWEEZERS = pincettes / a pair of tweezers / pince à épiler / tweezers = une pince à épiler FRAY = to enter the fray, to join the fray[competitor] entrer en lice Jump into the fray, enter the fray descendre dans l'arène, enter the fray vt. entrer en lice ; se jeter dans → ... a second round of voting when new candidates can enter the fray → Diesel has also entered the fray, with novelty packaging → Last year Asda joined the fray with a travel insurance policy the political fray la mêlée politique → You must place yourself beyond parties and above the political fray vt [+material] effilocher vi [fabric, cuff, stitching] s'effilocher → The cotton had begun to fray at the edges MANE = nf crinière |