The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
And the screen went blank ....

A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose ...


There was a naughty Boy,
And a naughty Boy was he,
He ran away to Scotland
The people for to see -

Then he found
That the ground
Was as hard,
That a yard
Was as long,
That a song
Was as merry,
That a cherry
Was as red -
That lead
Was as weighty,
That fourscore
Was as eighty,
That a door
Was as wooden
As in England -

So he stood in his shoes
And he wonder'd,
He wonder'd,
He stood in his shoes
And he wonder'd

Bits and pieces

On the third floor
There was a man
An old strange Shamann
He went to him and asked for the key
The man opened the door briefly
And gave away the key swiftly
After he'd ask a single question ..

So what's next ?
Find the key !! he heard
What do I need a key for ?

Il est temps d'ecrire...Theobald,Totoh le Monstre ...
se lave les mains a la cuisine et regarde les Aristochats .
Il regarde son film en boucle.
Mais deja l'idee s'est envolee .
Les idees sont fugaces comme etoiles filantes

Schuuutttt ... Bebe pleure ... Aver mains ... aver mains ..